Curses · hauntings · History · Legends · murder · paranormal

Demonic Possessions

Okay, so demons possessing the body of human victims seems like something out of a demonic horror film, but it is, in fact a real belief held by religions around the world. Most of these religions offer prayers, spells, or incantations to remove these evil spirits via exorcism rituals. I admit it is hard to… Continue reading Demonic Possessions

hauntings · History · Legends · murder · paranormal · possession

The ghost who solved her own murder:Teresita Basa

Teresita Basa was born in the Philippines in 1929, and moved to Illinois, Chicago to better her life and her career. She worked at Edgewater Hospital as a respiratory therapist, and was very dedicated to her job and her patients. She was very well liked. On the night of February 21st, 1977, at around 9pm,… Continue reading The ghost who solved her own murder:Teresita Basa

Curses · hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal

Haunted & Cursed Objects

A haunting occurs when the spirit refuses to move on after death, instead choosing to dwell amongst the living. When we think of a haunting, the first thing that comes to mind is a haunted building, but a spirit or demon can attach themselves to an object such as jewellery or a painting. I have… Continue reading Haunted & Cursed Objects

Curses · hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal

Toyols: Malaysia and Indonesia

A Toyol is a mythical creature from Malaysian & Indonesian folklore. It is believed to be a mischievous spirit of a foetus, brought back to life by a Bomoh (Malaysian Shaman), or someone who is familiar with black magic. They do this by digging up the remains of a dead baby & using black magic… Continue reading Toyols: Malaysia and Indonesia

hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal

A Sexual Haunting

Over the years, there have been many reports of sexual hauntings caused by two specific demonic entities, an incubus (male spirit) & a succubus (female spirit). These are mainly nocturnal spirits who prey on sleeping victims, but there has been reports of females being sexually assaulted during the day whilst they have been fully awake.… Continue reading A Sexual Haunting

Curses · hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal · possession

Haunted objects caught on camera

For centuries, there have been reports of possessed people, cursed or haunted houses, which I have covered a lot of in my stories. I have also wrote about cursed dolls, but I am now going to tell you about some famous haunted, cursed, & possessed objects with some real documented video footage & photographs. The… Continue reading Haunted objects caught on camera

hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal · possession

The exorcism of Anneliese Michel

In past posts, I have mentioned films that are based on real stories, such as Annabelle, & The Possession (The Dybbuk Box). What many people don’t know, the film, “The exorcism of Mary Rose”, was also based on a real story. Except Mary Rose was a fictitious name, the real girl in need of an… Continue reading The exorcism of Anneliese Michel

Curses · execution · fun · hauntings · History · Legends · murder · paranormal · possession

Ghost Pictures & their stories. Part 1

I have written a lot of ghost stories, showed haunted buildings, but I realise there are not many pictures of these entities. Here are a few pictures of ghosts & the stories behind them. What you are about to see & read will not only freak you out, but will send shivers down your spine.… Continue reading Ghost Pictures & their stories. Part 1

Curses · hauntings · History · Legends · paranormal

The Dybbuk Box

In 2006, the film ‘Possession’ was released. It is about a box that is responsible for a series of hauntings & paranormal activity unleashed upon the person opening the box. What people probably don’t realise is that the film is based on a true story.